One way to Help me win that Freshly Pressed thingy competition!!

May 5, 2010

Come on guys if ever there was a time to help me win this freshly pressed thingy comp,then this would be the time.

I admit, i probably have the worst blog site in the world…we’ll have a vote on that later..but for now I’l resort to an age old trick that worked for generations and still works today. Of course, its bribery.

What else in the world could possibly make me win this competition??

The word bribery though is such a ugly nasty word. Lets call it helping each other.

Scheez, who needs to inspire,enlighten or entertain when I can simply and plainly “help somebody help me”.  So in order to help you help me I will simply have a ‘competition’  where you, the reader, can simply click on my poll and  in return one of you good looking, beautiful, intelligent person (<– me sucking up), will win a case of the best beer in the world, namely Tafel Lager. (Delicious,hmmm)

Yes you’ve got it…simple as that click on the right answer as many times as you want to and you can stand a chance to win a case of ice cold, delicious, throat soothing,heat busting, best lager in the world. (Background not included.)

So let the mouse to the walking and your fingers do the clicking.

Lykhuis out.

Couple of terms and conditions apply though..nothing too hectic or complicated though.

As usual support a cause and donate. If you can drink sodas everyday with your big mac, whats a buck towards saving a kid from going to bed hungry.